Thanawala Consultancy

What Is Long Service Award

A long service award is a type of recognition given to an employee who has been with a company for a significant amount of time or more than 5+ Years. Typically, companies prefer to offer long service awards are granted to employees who have achieved at least 10 years of service, but can also be given after 5 or 7 years.

The award is usually presented at a special ceremony and be in the form of a certificate, plaque, or monetary reward. It is meant to recognise the employee’s dedication and loyalty, and is often accompanied by words of appreciation from the employer. Long service awards are also a great way to motivate other employees to stay with the company for the long haul, as it shows them that their hard work will be rewarded. But many a times it can be confusing for you as to which employee should be offered this reward. This is where our long service award valuation services comes in place. As we can help you determine which one employee will be most fit for the award.

Long Service Award Valuation Services

Benefits Of Long Service Awards

1) Increases Employee Retention

Employees who feel appreciated and valued are more likely to stick around, which can save your company money in the long run.

2) Improves Company's Reputation

When prospective employees see that your company values long-term commitment, it can make your business more attractive to top talent. Plus increases your employees commitment towards the company.

3) Recognise Employee Loyalty

Long service awards are a great way to show your appreciation towards employees who have been with your company for a long time. It’s a tangible way to say “thank you” for their loyalty and dedication, and it helps to boost their morale and motivation.

4) Boosts Productivity

When employees feel appreciated, they are more likely to be motivated to do their best work and give more than what they can. Which leads to a boost in productivity for your company.

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